TEFL Certificates I Recommend

Which TEFL is best?

Learn which TEFL course is best for YOU

International TEFL Academy

Level 5 courses online & abroad with teaching practice & lifetime job assistance.

The TEFL Academy

Online & hybrid TEFL courses & paid internships.

Premier TEFL

Basic & level 5 online courses & paid internships.

Ninja Teacher

Courses in Vietnam & online.

Teach Abroad 

Free Teach Abroad Jobs Guide

Start your teach abroad job search here.

Free Quick Start Guide

New to teaching abroad? Start here.

Teach in Spain Workshop

Teach Online

Free Online Teaching Cheat Sheet

New to teaching online? Start here.

Teach Online in 10 Days Mini-Course

Fast-track your online teaching journey.


Teacher Resources

Jamie Gajewski

Jamie Gajewski, M.Ed. - ESL Teacher 365

I’m passionate about helping people teach online and abroad!

If you need help, please send me a DM, fill out my survey or send me an email at: Jamie@ESLTeacher365.com

“The world is yours to teach and explore!”

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